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Industrial Water Treatment Plant for Saudi Arabia


The Marafiq–Jubail Industrial Water Treatment Plant-8 Expansion Stage 4 project in Saudi Arabia is a critical endeavor that aims to strengthen water treatment infrastructure while promoting sustainability in the region. This project has been meticulously designed to seamlessly integrate new facilities with existing ones, with two primary objectives in mind: to increase the plant’s treatment capacity and to meet Saudi Arabia’s high water quality standards.

Once complete, the project is foreseen to treat influent industrial wastewater at an astonishing rate of 125,000 cubic meters per day. This substantial capacity ensures that the project can meet the ever-increasing demand for clean and treated water in the region. The facilities have been intricately designed to meet the rigorous water quality standards in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Stage 4 layout also allows for future expansion of the system.

The project underscores ILF’s unwavering commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainable water management. ILF and its team are pleased to report that progress has been made on this vital water project.

Rehabilitation work on the Weissenstein Tunnel has begun (SUI)


Major rehabilitation work has begun on the Weissenstein Tunnel in Switzerland. The tunnel is currently closed until the work is completed, scheduled for the end of 2025.
The tunnel was opened to traffic in 1908 and needs to be rehabilitated so that it can continue to be used for decades to come.

The Weissenstein Tunnel is a 3.7 km long, over 100 year old single-track railway tunnel that runs through the approximately 1,300 m high Weissenstein mountain and is owned and operated by the Bernese Alpine Railway Company Bern-Lötschberg-Simplon. The existing tunnel has a masonry vault as well as an open water intake and a drainage system. The large groundwater inflow from the mountain, which can be several 100 l/s, has to be collected and diverted.

The rehabilitation work will include localized partial and complete rehabilitation of the vault in various sections of the tunnel, as well as renewal of the tunnel drainage system, cable systems, safety installations and track. Two existing stations will also be gradually modernized to make them accessible.

IG WST (ILF Consulting Engineers in Switzerland and Emch+Berger AG Bern) has been commissioned by the sole contractor – the joint venture ARGE EWT (PORR Group and fretus ag) – as the “Tunnel and Stations Project Manager”, responsible for all rehabilitation works in the tunnel and the stations.

A step towards decarbonizing Denmark’s heat supply


In Aalborg – about a three-hour drive from Esbjerg – the next milestone in Denmark’s sector coupling program will soon be reached; a step towards decarbonizing the heat supply in Denmark. With a total heating capacity of 132 MW, the planned heat pump plant in Aalborg will be two and a half times larger than the world’s largest CO2-based heat pump plant in Esbjerg.

In total, the seawater heat pump plant in Aalborg will supply one third of the city with district heating and save around 160,000 tons of CO2 emissions. The plant, to be built in Denmark’s third largest municipality, will consist of three heat pumps, each with a capacity of 44 MW, and is expected to supply around 550,000 MWh of heat per year. Similar to in Esbjerg, the system in Aalborg will use electricity from renewable energy sources and energy harnessed from seawater to generate heat. Construction of the plant is scheduled to start in August 2024.

We have been suppporting MAN Energy Solutions in the development of and processing of orders for such heat pump plants since 2020, most recently with the heat pump project in Esbjerg.
With the award of the EPC contract for this project in Aalborg to MAN, we are delighted that our team of experts can once again contribute to the planning and implementation of the world’s largest CO2-based heat pump with our electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and automation technology services.

Sustainable Solutions Services at ILF


In response to the Paris Agreement (2016) and our ambition at ILF to be net zero not only as a company but also in our project delivery, ILF’s Sustainable Solutions Competence Center has developed a Green House Gases (GHG) methodology to calculate, reduce and mitigate GHG emissions for our clients.

GHG-related “products” and “activities” are critically analyzed by our experts in relation to their design data, emission factor and mitigation potential to arrive at options that provide the best solution for our clients and our planet.

If you are interested in our Sustainable Solutions Services, get in touch with

Extension of the Warsaw Metro (POL)


ILF Consulting Engineers has been contracted to design the first 8.1 km section of the Metro Line 3 in Warsaw. The section, located in the Praga district of Warsaw, comprises seven stations – six of which will be newly built. There will also be a branch line leading to the Technical and Parking Station called Goat Hill.

Our tasks include preparing an environmental impact report and obtaining a decision on the location of the metro line, developing construction designs and obtaining the necessary administrative decisions, as well as providing author’s supervision. The work will be carried out in a consortium with Metroprojekt.

The Warsaw metro is a modern, safe, environmentally friendly and high-capacity means of public transport, which is extremely important both for the residents of the capital and for visitors – after all, Warsaw is an important transport hub on the map of Europe. In the words of Marcin Przepiórka, Managing Director of ILF Consulting Engineers Polska, “We must not forget how the metro helps to shape the city – wherever the metro is built, we see the city develop”.


Water Transmission System from Shuqaiq to Jizan (KSA)


The Shuqaiq–Jizan Water Transmission System Phase 4 is already having a significant impact in the Jizan region in Southwest Saudi Arabia, even before it becomes operational. This project is set to enhance the water supply infrastructure in the region, addressing a pressing need for a reliable and efficient water transmission system.
The planned Shuqaiq–Jizan Water Transmission System Phase 4 encompasses an extensive area and aims to deliver an astonishing 600,000 m3  of potable water per day from Shuqaiq to the governorates of the Jizan region.
The backbone of the water transmission system is a colossal network of high-quality steel pipelines stretching over 523 km. These pipelines have been carefully designed to withstand the region’s unique environmental conditions and to deliver water efficiently and reliably.
Eleven pumping stations shall be strategically located along the transmission route to ensure that water can be efficiently transported across varying terrains and elevations. Each station will be equipped with state-of-the-art technology to optimize water flow and pressure.
The project includes a network of 77 strategically positioned reservoirs, which shall ensure the consistent availability of water throughout the region. These reservoirs will act as storage and distribution hubs, reducing the risk of water shortages and enhancing overall supply reliability.
18 operational reservoirs will help balance water supply and demand, ensuring a stable and consistent flow of water to consumers.
12 specialized water tanker filling stations shall allow for the efficient refilling of water tankers to supply remote areas in the region. This is especially crucial in areas where direct access to pipelines is limited.
As part of the project’s integration with existing infrastructure, eight tie-in stations will be established to connect to and enhance the functionality of existing reservoirs. This approach not only optimizes resources ,but will also improve the overall water distribution system.
A network of tap-off and cross-over stations shall furthermore ensure that water can be efficiently distributed to various communities, industries and institutions. These stations will facilitate access to water at a local level as well.

The Shuqaiq–Jizan Water Transmission System Phase 4 is a remarkable engineering feat and its realization will be a significant milestone in the development of the Jizan region. With its extensive network of steel pipelines, strategically located pumping stations, and multitude of reservoirs and distribution points, this project is poised to revolutionize the region’s water supply infrastructure, addressing essential water transmission needs for years to come.

400 MW Plant for Green Ammonia Production in Angola


Sonangol, Angola’s state-owned energy company, plans to use surplus, low-cost electrical energy from hydroelectric power plants (HPP) in Angola to produce green ammonia. 
In a 400 MW electrolysis and synthesis plant at the Oceânico da Barra do Dande (TOBD) terminal, about 65 km northeast of the Angolan capital Luanda, energy from HPP plants shall be converted into green hydrogen and ammonia before being stored and loaded onto ships for export to Europe. While Africa offers favorable conditions for the production of low-cost, green hydrogen produced in a climate-neutral way, Germany is currently pursuing a strategy to diversify its energy supply.

The 2,000 MW Laúca hydropower plant, located about 200 km southeast of the process plant, shall supply the plant with base-load electricity via the existing power grid. The HPP is currently operating at 1,000 MW rather than at full capacity.

Our team of experts has been commissioned with the pre-FEED (preliminary engineering) for this project. This includes the collection of basic design data, (process and electrical) engineering, preparation of a power grid and power supply concept, cost estimates, environmental and social impact assessments, and risk and safety studies.

KITT (Tunnel safety with AI) research project is completed


Upon conclusion of the almost three-year-long KITT (“Artificial Intelligence for Improvement of Safety of Tunnels and Tunnel Control Centers”) research project, we fom ILF are looking back on great challenges and informative discussions. Coordinated by the Federal Highway Research Institute (“Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen”) in a German-Austrian consortium, options for using Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) to improve the safety of tunnels were developed and tested.

Until the recent completion of the project, the results were tested and demonstrated on real tunnel structures together with the project partners and users from the city of Stuttgart as well as ASFINAG. This showed the great potential of the extensive information from C-ITS, which not only significantly improves the safety in tunnels through the use of real-time risk analyses, but also further increases the efficiency and availability of the road network as a whole. A big step towards innovative solutions for mobility in the future!

The research project is being funded by the Security Research Funding Program (“KIRAS”) set up by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance (“BMF”) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (“BMBF”) as part of the call for Artificial Intelligence in Civil Security Research (“Künstliche Intelligenz in der zivilen Sicherheitsforschung”).

World Water Day 2024: Improving Water & Sanitation in Uganda


Mbarara City, the second largest city in southwestern Uganda is facing rapid population growth. With a current population of 500,000 expected to increase by 68% up to 2040, water demand is expected to double. Presently, only a small proportion of the population has access to safe water, which poses health risks.

ILF has worked with its French partner “Cabinet Merlin” to design and implement a water treatment plant and transmission system for the city. The project includes a raw water intake on the Kagera River, a treatment plant with a capacity of 30,000 m3/d, and a 58 km transmission system with reservoirs and pumping stations. ILF’s role included the conceptual design, tendering using FIDIC contracts, bid evaluation, contract support, design review and construction supervision during the 24-month project implementation period. The project is currently in the construction phase.

In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 – Water and Sanitation, this project aims to improve access to water in urban and rural areas, and thus directly improves the quality of life for a significant number of people. The focus is not only on providing safe and affordable drinking water, but also on reducing the health risks associated with untreated water.

The project is also consistent with ILF’s vision of passionately contributing to sustainably improving living conditions worldwide.

Rehabilitation Work in the Kerenzerberg Railway Tunnel, (SUI)


Rehabilitation work in the Kerenzerberg Rail Tunnel was successfully completed at the end of 2023.
The Kerenzerberg tunnel, owned and operated by the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB), is a 3,959 m long twin-track railway tunnel built in 1961. Located in northeast Switzerland, the tunnel is a very important link for domestic and international passenger and freight traffic.

Between August and December 2023, rehabilitation work was carried out to repair wet and dripping spots in the concrete vault and to reduce the amount of mountain water pressure being applied to the vault and to construction joints due to sintered mountain water drainage pipes.
The work was carried out by Fretus AG during the night. Most of the time, only one track was closed, allowing rail traffic to continue running on a single track. The work was completed on time and within budget.

ILF was responsible for the design and the supervision of the site during the rehabilitation work. Many thanks to all involved for the successful and accident-free completion of the project.

Meeting North America’s Energy Demand


The Nova Gas Transmission Limited (NGTL) West Path Delivery 2023 Expansion Program will help North America meet its growing energy needs. By expanding the existing natural gas pipeline system by hundreds of kilometers, Canadian TC Energy’s NGTL project will play a critical role in the global energy transition away from coal-fired power generation and also help compensate for fluctuations in renewable power sources.

ILF has provided Detailed Engineering and Construction Support for both the Longview and Lundbreck sections of the Western Alberta System Mainline Loop No 2. The large NPS 48 pipeline for these two sections traverses both agricultural and mountainous terrain, which the ILF team has accommodated for in its design.

TC Energy completed construction of the system and achieved an in-service date in Q4 2023 for all project components of the NGTL West Path Delivery 2023 Expansion Program. As an engineering service provider, the greatest reward for completing this project is the satisfaction and appreciation of our clients.

Longest Underwater Roadway – Electric Dump Trucks and Fire Safety


In Norway, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen) is currently building the twin-tube Boknafjord Tunnel north of Stavanger as part of the E39 Rogfast project. This tunnel will be the longest and deepest underwater road tunnel in the world, with a length of 26.7 km and a depth of 390 m below sea level at its deepest point. Statens vegvesen has selected this project, amongst others, as a pilot project for more sustainable construction through the use of electrically powered heavy construction machinery.

Statens vegvesen has commissioned a consortium, consisting of ILF Consulting Engineers in Norway, ILF Consulting Engineers in Austria, Graz University of Technology (Austria) and Søvik Consulting (Norway), to carry out a risk assessment for the use of battery-electric dump trucks during the excavation of the Boknafjord Tunnel. The detailed study has shown through fire simulations that large fires in remote underground locations that involve either a conventional diesel or a battery-electric dump truck both require evacuation of the workforce to rescue shelters. While fires involving large traction batteries are estimated to potentially last longer, currently available dump trucks incorporate multiple layers of built-in battery management and fire safety systems to reduce the likelihood of such hazards. The study has also highlighted the limitations of the battery capacities currently in use in battery-electric dump trucks – in particular in case of operation in high-energy-demand conditions such as in deep underwater tunnels. Currently available dump trucks typically counteract this through battery regeneration, augmented by battery swapping solutions, requiring energy management strategies to be included in the tunnelling process.

By providing this service, the consortium has made a targeted contribution to one of the largest tunnel projects ever to be built in Norway and to the sustainability of tunnelling in general. The risk study has provided new insights into the fire risks and process impacts that should be considered when using battery-electric dump trucks. More information about the study, including the report from the detailed study, can be found on Statens vegvesens website.

(Foto: Øyvind Ellingsen/Statens vegvesen)

Hydro4U: Using BIM for detailed Design


The Hydro4U demonstration hydropower plant in At-Bashy has reached the detailed design phase. The use of dedicated structural analysis software has facilitated the adoption of an integrated BIM solution for the detailed design of the At-Bashy hydropower plant in Kyrgyzstan.

ILF, which has been responsible for the detailed design of the At-Bashy demonstration hydropower plant, prepared formwork and reinforcement drawings for the construction of the modular Hydroshaft Power Solution (HSPS). During this process, optimizations and structural adjustments were made to the design; all using Building Information Modelling (BIM) – exemplifying how dedicated structural analysis software enables an integrated BIM solution.

The workflow used can be described as follows: The basic design was prepared by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and provided to ILF for further development and review. After an initial review of the basic design elements, which include subdivision of the hydropower plant with construction joints, a three-dimensional (3D) structural Finite Element Model (FEM) was created. Dead load, earth pressure and external influences such as water pressure were defined and applied to this model. These loads induce stresses in the structure that were calculated using the FEM.

As a result of these calculations, the required reinforcement according to the applied load was then visible in the model. An example of the required stirrup reinforcement is shown below. The required reinforcement is defined and set for each element in the model.

The FEM is a supplement to the larger BIM model, allowing plausibility checks regarding the location, quantity and spacing of the reinforcement to be conducted easily, and thus helping to ensure the practicality of its installation on site.

BIM models can be visualized using different views. In addition to full 3D views, sections and viewing angles can be displayed. Dimensions and further information can be added to the views. As only one model is used, these individual views can be used for formwork and reinforcement drawings. The reinforcement material list generated by the software can also be added to the drawings.

The BIM approach makes it possible for everyone involved in a project to have a good overview of the project at all times by using a cloud-based setup. The model is stored on a platform so that multiple users and experts from different disciplines can follow the progress of the project and intervene, if necessary.

In this project, the 3D model was stored in a cloud to give all relevant project members insight into the progress of the design work. The 3D model was used as the basis for discussing all coordination issues, which were resolved before the 2D drawings were started. The reinforcement was also part of the 3D model which allowed a high level of accuracy to ensure practicality on site.

Learn more: Hydro4U

BOOT Zuluf Water Treatment Plant for Saudi Arabia


ILF Consulting Engineers has provided technical advisory services to Saudi Aramco for the Zuluf Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Transaction Project. The project, which also includes a gas separation unit, is a crucial component of the extensive Zuluf Oil Field Development Program, which is currently working on the significant expansion of the Zuluf Oil Field by increasing the field’s daily production capacity. This expansion plays a vital role in Saudi Aramco’s overall oil production strategy and contributes to the growth of Saudi Arabia’s economy.

Saudi Aramco awarded the project to a consortium led by AWS Water Purification Company, operating under a 25-year Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) concession. This is a milestone of great significance as the financial closure of the project marks the commencement of the WTP Phase I construction phase.

The WTP is designed to have a capacity in excess of 1.1 million barrels per day and will be responsible for treating water for injection purposes, using groundwater from the reservoir.

ILF Consulting Engineers has played a key role as Technical Advisor throughout the transaction period of this Zuluf Water Treatment Plant Project. In this capacity, ILF assumed responsibility for all technical aspects within the Request for Proposal (RfP) document that forms part of the project’s RfP package. The RfP package outlines the developer’s obligations, which include engineering, design, supply of materials, construction, inspection, testing, pre-commissioning, commissioning, and operation and maintenance of the water treatment plant for its entire 25-year contract period.

ILF has provided effective support to Saudi Aramco, from the preparation of the tender package all the way through to financial closure.

ILF’s Scope of work:

    • Technical Advisory Services during the Transaction Phase
    • Review and Update of Technical Functional requirements
    • Request for Proposal (RFP) Strategy and Preparation
    • Cost Estimate and Conceptual Design
    • Technical Tender Evaluation
    • Support during Negotiation and Financial Closure

Goaltore Photovoltaic Power Plant in India


For many years, the Indian government has been making great efforts to expand the country’s antiquated and largely weak electricity grid. The current installed power generation capacity is insufficient for the rapidly growing population and economy, and power outages are almost a daily occurrence. Efforts to expand this capacity are heavily focused on the use of renewable energy.

The local grid operator West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL) has commissioned ILF’s team of experts as the Owner’s Engineer to design and construct a new photovoltaic (PV) power plant in Goaltore, approximately 150 km west of Kolkata. The power plant will have a total capacity of 135 MWp and will be equipped with bifacial mono passivated emitter and real cell (PERC) solar modules and central inverters. The client will also construct a new substation (33 kV / 132 kV) directly adjacent to the PV plant. The electricity generated here will then be fed into the high-voltage grid. Commissioning of the PV power plant is scheduled for July 2024.

Seawater Treatment Plant and Water Transmission Network for UAE


In 2021, ILF Consulting Engineers was appointed by the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) as the Technical Advisor for the United Arab Emirates megaproject of Large-Scale Seawater Treatment and Water Transmission, with a total value of USD 2.4 billion.

An important milestone was achieved in May 2023 when ADNOC and the Abu Dhabi National Energy Company PJSC (TAQA) selected a consortium, consisting of Orascom Construction and Metito, to develop a seawater treatment plant and transmission pipeline at the Bab and Bu Hasa fields in Abu Dhabi as part of the ongoing project. In addition, ADNOC and PJSC (TAQA) have successfully completed the financial closing of the project in September 2023.

Throughout the entire tender preparation process, ILF has been working on the conceptual design, site surveys, environmental studies, preparation of the technical components of the tender package, and technical bid evaluation, leading to the achievement of this important milestone for ADNOC.

The project will replace deep aquifer water systems with a centralized seawater treatment plant and transmission network, contributing to the UAE’s sustainability targets.

The megaproject is in line with the UAE’s commitment to minimize water abstraction and freshwater consumption through careful water management planning. The project further curtails ADNOC’s environmental footprint and supports the UAE’s economic and industrial growth under ADNOC’s In-Country Value (ICV) program.

ILF is proud to be part of this megaproject and to contribute to Abu Dhabi’s vision for a sustainable future.

Hydraulic Optimization via Numerical Hydraulic Modeling


One of ILF’s core competences is hydropower engineering. The ILF office in Bangkok was involved with various projects within Southeast Asia and beyond utilizing these competences. Notable projects include the design and implementation involvement of 130 MW Nam Emoun Hydropower Project in Lao PDR and the design of the 2,500 MW Saravan Mekong mainstream hydropower project.

ILF prioritizes sustainability, aligning with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and emphasizing the transition to renewable energy, particularly hydropower. ILF is renowned for our expertise in hydropower and pumped storage design, offering comprehensive services from project initiation to commissioning.

ILF Thailand has integrated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in the design process of hydraulic structures. Amongst other software, ILF makes use of Simscale for 3D CFD modeling to optimize hydraulic structures for various hydropower projects, focusing on intricate flow characteristics found in hydraulic structures such as spillways, drop structures and structures transitioning between free-flow and pressurized conditions.

While somewhat off-track from ILF Thailand’s core business, one notable case study involves the design optimization of a siphon pit within a combined cycle gas-fired power plant’s main cooling water system. Through CFD simulations using Simscale, ILF achieved several benefits, including enhanced surface protection to prevent concrete erosion, stabilization of the nappe, and reduced air entrainment in the outfall conveyance line, resulting in safer, more efficient, and robust hydraulic structures.

Read more:

Rimpar Compressor Station– A Key Node in the European Gas Network


The Rimpar Compressor Station, run by the gas network operator Open Grid Europe (OGE), is one of the most important nodes in the German and Central European Gas Network. The compressor station will play a decisive role in ensuring the security and availability of gas supply in Germany.

To accommodate the growing importance of the station and ensure gas transportation on one of the main transport routes between East and West, a completely new facility was built next to the existing compressor station between 2020 and mid-2023. The new facility covers an area of around ten soccer fields and includes approximately 6.5 kilometers of pipelines. Its construction includes the installation of three new compressor units (12 MW each) and a new gas pressure regulating and metering station with the associated interconnecting pipelines and tie-ins to the existing MEGAL pipeline system. The new facility fulfills the highest environmental requirements. The integration of the station into the neighboring gas network additionally ensures long-term security of supply along the route.

Since the beginning of the project, our team of experts has been commissioned by the operator OGE, with the basic design, detailed design, construction supervision, commissioning and the final documentation of this compressor station.

One of the most challenging aspects of the project has been the hillside location on which the new facility is built, as well as the large spatial extent of the construction site. At the start of construction, around 70,000 m³ of material was moved for levelling and terracing. Inside the station there are differences in height of almost 30 meters.

The last documents for the final documentation are currently being prepared. All necessary acceptance tests have been successfully completed. With a flow rate of 550,000 Nm3/h to 1,400,000 Nm3/h and a station design pressure of 100 bar for the main gas system, the compressor station is already in the operational phase. Regular operation was scheduled for the end of 2023. However, this has been brought forward thanks to the accelerated processing of the project by ILF, which meant that handover and the start of operation took place in mid-2023.

Designing utility-scale wind parks in Saudi Arabia


ILF Consulting Engineers has reached another historic milestone in its more than 50 years of engineering excellence. We are incredibly proud to have been selected as the consultant of choice for pre-development studies for utility-scale wind parks in Saudi Arabia. The objective of the assignments is to provide world-class engineering services up to a development stage where the parks can be tendered on a design-build basis. The pre-development studies shall include:

    • Preliminary site assessment
    • Preliminary and advanced design (design basis, single line diagram, energy yield assessment, Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) optimization, wind master plan)
    • Some on-site assessments (topography, hydrology, geotechnical campaign, aeronautical and radar assessment) • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
    • Foundation recommendations (including deep and shallow foundations, retaining walls, pipeline anchors, earthworks, dikes and embankments, among others)
    • Wind measurement plan (to be considered for the client to obtain wind data)
    • Permitting engineering

The projects are being designed with a focus on sustainability, innovation and cutting edge technology – a perfect fit with ILF’s commitment to climate protection and its vision of improving the quality of life around the globe.

40 Years of the Riyadh Water Transmission System (RWTS)


During 1983 – 40 years ago – the RWTS (Lines A & B) went into operation. It is the world’s first closed high-pressure water pipeline system, designed to transport 830,000 m³ of water from Al Jubayl on the Arabian Gulf over 467 km to Riyadh.

It was very courageous of ILF, a very young company at the time, to apply this innovative concept without carrying out any pilot tests. A recap of the key data: Double pipeline with a diameter of 60” (1524 mm), total head of the system: 2340 m, 6 pumping stations with an installed capacity of 430 MW.

Under the management of ILF, the RWTS was constructed on budget in just under 3 years. The technical concept has proven itself from the very beginning, with the RWTS still pumping water to Riyadh today.

ILF has made history in pipeline engineering with this project.

To this day, the RWTS serves as a technical model for many successor projects, especially in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

But it is also a model for a decades-long client relationship based on trust and for excellent cooperation between the ILF companies involved, especially from Austria, Germany and Saudi Arabia.

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