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ILF is member of the Bavarian Hydrogen Alliance


Hydrogen is regarded as one of the key elements for global energy system transformation and climate protection, as it can be produced and used flexibly and without emissions, and at the same time is easy to transport and store.

To strengthen and further develop Bavaria’s technological competence in the field of innovative hydrogen technologies, the State of Bavaria founded the Center Hydrogen.Bavaria (H2.B) in 2019 and initiated the Hydrogen Alliance Bavaria. The aim is to bring together key players in industry, science, and politics in order, among other things, to advance the topic of “hydrogen economy” in Bavaria as quickly as possible and to achieve the use of hydrogen in broad practical application. The focus here is, above all, on demonstration and lighthouse projects.

ILF has many years of practical experience in consulting, planning, and project management in the energy and transport sector. We are currently supporting several pilot projects on hydrogen production, transport, and acceptance. Also, ILF advises companies on the use of hydrogen along the entire value chain, thus contributing to the establishment of a hydrogen infrastructure.

We are therefore delighted to be able to contribute to the progress of hydrogen technologies as an official member of the Bavarian Hydrogen Alliance since June 2020.

Environmentally friendly solution of renewable energy storage - hydrogen gas to clean electricity facility situated in forest environment. 3d rendering.

It’s all new – the Obervellach II hydropower plant


Together with partners, ILF Consulting Engineers was in charge of the site supervision and contract management for the new construction of the Obervellach II hydropower plant as commissioned by ÖBB Infrastruktur AG. This hydropower plant replaces the two existing power plants – Lassach (built in 1905) and Obervellach I (built in 1929) in Carinthia/Austria – they will be decommissioned and partly dismantled.

The planned new hydropower plant will provide traction power (16.7 Hz) and will have a capacity of 38 MW and consist of three water intake structures, an approx. 3.9 km long headrace tunnel and an approx. 0.6 km long storage tunnel with a storage volume of some 60,000 m3. Furthermore, the overall project includes an approx. 1.5 km long pressure pipeline (d = 1.8m) and a power house with two machine units and an approx. 2 km long pressure pipeline (d=0.7 m) including a small hydropower plant (50 Hz) as well as further facilities.


Kick-off for further design services for the Belchen Road Tunnel


The Belchen road tunnel was opened in 1970 and consists of two separate twin-lane tubes with unidirectional traffic, each having a length of 3.2 km. In early 2021, with the so-called rehabilitation tunnel going into operation, the Belchen tunnel system will comprise three twin-lane tunnels. ILF Consulting Engineers is also involved in the design and construction of the rehabilitation tunnel.

Extensive rehabilitation works were already carried out on the existing road tunnel from 2001 to 2003. However, the swelling rock (anhydrite) is increasingly leaving visible traces. In order to ensure the safety and capacity of one of Switzerland’s busiest roads, the two existing tunnels at Belchen will be refurbished one after the other as part of the second rehabilitation.

The intended measures include the replacement of parts of the in-situ lining, backfilling of cavities that were detected in the crown, design of utility lines and fire-fighting system, and expansion/new construction of cross passages. Water ingress in connection with swelling anhydrite are the great challenges in these complex ground conditions.

Being part of the design consortium, ILF was tasked with developing and implementing the project up to commissioning by the Swiss Federal Roads Office (FEDRO). The project was launched in June 2020 and is expected to be concluded by mid-2032.

created by dji camera

Ferngas receives the building permit for its gas pipeline


According to the Federal Ministry of Economics, natural gas, having a market share of around 44%, is the most important source of heat and energy for private households in Germany. To continue to meet the associated high demand for natural gas, the network operator Ferngas, which operates a transmission and distribution network in Bavaria, Thuringia and parts of Hesse, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, is renewing one of its existing natural gas pipelines in Saxony and Thuringia.

The 125 km long pipeline, which runs through Saxony and Eastern Thuringia, was built in the 1950s and 60s and is to be completely renewed by 2023. The modernization is planned to take place in several sections, without any disruption being caused to the supply of gas along the existing pipeline route. In addition to the main lines and connecting lines, numerous ancillary facilities and route-related infrastructure are being renewed. The new pipeline will largely remain in the existing pipeline route, which will minimize the impact on both the environment and local residents.

The aim is to increase the operational flexibility of the network, as well as the capacity and the security of supply for the coming decades. Furthermore, the renewal of the pipeline will help improvements to be made to pipeline monitoring and control.

ILF Consulting Engineers has been commissioned by Ferngas to provide project control and project management services in accordance with the scope of services listed in the AHO (Committee of the Associations and Chambers of Engineers and Architects for the Fee Structure) booklet no. 9.

Having nearly completed the renewal of the pipeline in Saxony, the statutory authority approval and thus the building permit has now been received for the Thuringian section of the pipeline, enabling Ferngas to reach another decisive milestone in the renewal of its gas pipeline in Thuringia.


8-Lane Upgrade of the A 99 Munich Motorway Ring


The A 99 is one of the busiest motorways in Germany – up to 160,000 vehicles use the eastern bypass near Munich every day and traffic jams are a daily occurrence. To improve the situation, an 8-lane upgrade of the motorway is being designed and has been under construction for several years. In March 2020, ILF Consulting Engineers was commissioned by the Autobahndirektion Südbayern to provide design services for the upgrade of the A 99 between the Kirchheim and Haar junctions.

The approx. 8 km long 8-lane upgrade of the A 99 and approx. 4 km long upgrade of the A 94 also include the conversion of the München-Ost motorway junction into a modified windmill with two semi-direct ramps. Additionally, the Feldkirchen-Ost, Parsdorf and Haar junctions are to be adapted. The complex conversion and upgrade is being carried out without interrupting traffic.

ILF Consulting Engineers is responsible for the following areas: road design, structural design of civil engineering structures (noise barriers and supporting structures) and project management, as well as various supplementary design services such as comprehensive construction phase and traffic management planning and coordinate transformations of basic data.


ILF awarded with further planning services for SuedLink


As one of eight companies nationwide, ILF Consulting Engineers has qualified for a framework contract for various planning services for the SuedLink project in Germany. The focus of this framework contract with TenneT & Transnet is on the regional planning offices. The framework agreements are divided into the sections North, Central, and South with corresponding sub-sections. With a total length of approximately 680 km, SuedLink thus consists of a total of 9 planning sections.

Through the framework agreement, ILF Consulting Engineers has now been appointed as “Regional Planning Bureau (RPB)” for the northernmost section (PA1). With connections to the grid connection points Wilster and Brunsbüttel, it consists of one of the most technically challenging sections with a total length of approx. 71 km. The sub-section for project 3 extends from the Brunsbüttel to Stade grid connection point, and the sub-section for project 4 extends from the Wilster to Stade grid connection point.

ILF was initially commissioned with the detailed design, including project management and control, the mobilisation phase, the route investigation, the soil investigation, the coordination of the crossings as well as the planning approval of the Elbe crossing. Commissioning is planned for 2026.

SuedLink 1_s

Construction of new teaching & office building for Uni Innsbruck


Despite the current exceptional situation, it was possible to start construction of the new teaching and office building I52A at the University of Innsbruck (Austria) in compliance with strict safety and health requirements. The new building will be adjacent to the historical main building of the university and will be characterized by its future-oriented design. By optimizing the project with regard to the limited urban space available, a valuable urban recreation space will additionally be created.

The design of the nine-story building with a floor space of approx. 12,800 m2 and a gross building volume of approx. 110,000 m³ follows the principles of sustainability. This is consistently reflected in the design of the building services, whereby the Client’s low-tech concept is fully accommodated for and is expressed in results optimized from a climate and economy perspective.

On behalf of the BUNDESIMMOBILIENGESELLSCHAFT M.B.H., ILF Consulting Engineers together with a partner has accompanied the development of this extraordinary project in the capacity of project controller from the conceptual design phase and will manage the construction together with the client to meet the quality, time and cost criteria.

This milestone has not just been reached due to the work and efforts of all parties involved in the project, but is also the result of the optimal combination of engineering excellence and project management!


White paper “Digitalization in Industry – An Austrian Perspective


The cooperative doctoral school SIC! (Smart Industrial Concept), which ILF is a cooperation partner of, has produced a white paper titled “Digitalization in Industry – An Austrian Perspective“ on behalf of the Klima- und Energiefonds (Austrian Climate and Energy Funds) as part of the national project Annex XVIII. The aim of this paper is to examine the effects of digitalization on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in energy intensive industries.

The eight participating PhD students, one of whom is ILF employee Leopold Prendl, are investigating 15 relevant techniques, technologies and applications, as well as the current situation in Austria. They also show that digitalization measures are both economical and sustainable.

The white paper can be found here.

Machbarkeitsstudie für multisektorales Investitionsprogramm Gaza


Die deutsche Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) hat kürzlich ILF Consulting Engineers beauftragt, eine Machbarkeitsstudie / Projekt-Screening für ihr multisektorales Investitionsprogramm Gaza durchzuführen.

Ziel dieses Programms ist die Beurteilung von verschiedenen Ansätzen zur Förderung der Nutzung erneuerbarer Energiequellen und energiesparender Technologien in Gaza sowie die Festlegung von Strategien, die die größtmöglichen Wirkung erzielen können. Daher ist dieses Programm hauptsächlich auf die Bevölkerung in Gaza ausgerichtet, die von einer verbesserten Energieversorgung profitieren soll.

Für weitere Informationen zum Projekt oder wenn Sie mehr darüber erfahren wollen, wie wir Ihnen helfen können, die Herausforderungen zu meistern, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte unter

Feasibility Study for Multi-Sectoral Investment Program in Gaza


ILF to assess and study the The German Development Bank (KfW) recently appointed ILF Consulting Engineers to perform a feasibility study / project screening for their Multi-Sectoral Investment Program (MIP) in Gaza.

The objective of this program is to evaluate several approaches for promoting the use of renewable energy sources and energy-saving technologies in Gaza, and to determine strategies that can achieve the greatest possible impacts. Hence, this program is primarily directed towards the population of Gaza, who shall benefit from having an improved energy supply.

For further information on the project, or if you want to know more about how we can help you tackle your challenges, please contact us at

A message about the Corona virus (COVID-19)


Dear Clients and Business Partners,

We are all currently facing unprecedented moments in history with the worldwide spread of the Corona virus (COVID-19).

At ILF Consulting Engineers, we are taking utmost care of our people and at the same time are continuing to focus on how to best support our clients and business partners.

We are following the guidance of the World Health Organization (WHO) and of local governments, and are closely monitoring the changing circumstances across our office locations. In line with the ever-changing situation, we are taking the necessary decisions, such as restricting travel and face-to-face business meetings, and adapting our working practices accordingly.

Our clients’ projects and operations are extremely important to us. Based on our highly flexible approach, combined with our collaborative business culture and our ability to work remotely, we remain fully committed and able to continue rendering services for our valued clients and business partners.

Although these times are extremely demanding, we are well prepared, and highly confident that together with our clients and business partners we will successfully overcome the upcoming challenges and even strengthen our resilience capabilities.

Stay healthy and best regards

Klaus Lässer

Commencement of the Uzbekistan Gas Master Plan


ILF Business Consult, in cooperation with the national gas transmission operator Uztransgas, has successfully launched the Gas Master Plan project, funded by the Asian Development Bank.

The initial project objective is to develop mid and long-term strategies for the development of the gas transportation infrastructure in Uzbekistan; while the ultimate target is to achieve sustainable development of the gas sector and energy security within Uzbekistan and Central Asia. At project completion, Uzbekistan will be positioned to become a prospective Gas Hub of Central Asia.

In the photo: ILF Business Consult Managing Director, Dr. Andreas Linke and Senior Project Manager, Yeszhan Khamitov. Picture dated February 2020.


TBM breakthrough in Georgia


With the support of ILF Consulting Engineers, assuming the role of Owner’s Engineer, the Mtkvari Hydro Power Project in Georgia, which is managed by Mtkvari Hesi LLC and financed by the Georgian Co-Investment Fund, has reached one of the most important project milestones.

On February 6th, 2020, the breakthrough of the longest and widest tunnel in Georgia to date has been completed. Excavation of the 9.6-km-long and 6-m-wide tunnel was achieved using a Hard Rock Double Shield TBM.

The total design capacity of the Mtkvari HPP is 53.0 MW and its expected annual energy generation is 251.5 GWh, which equates 1.9 % of Georgia’s total electricity consumption. The tunnel excavation constitutes a major achievement within the construction process and its completion will allow the final stage of the HPP construction to commence.


Lighthouse Solar Program in Senegal now in operation


In 2015 ILF Consulting Engineers was awarded an Owner’s Engineer contract by Senelec and KfW for the implementation of eight photovoltaic and hybrid power plants in Senegal. Now, only four years after the start of the project, these first of its kind projects in Senegal and West Africa are in operation; the last power plants will be commissioned early 2020.

These PV and hybrid power plants are some of the largest in West Africa and are lighthouse projects for the distribution of these technologies in Africa. The aim was to reduce Senegal’s dependency on light fuel/heavy fuel oil imports, reduce the cost of electricity as well as to improve the quality and the reliability of the electricity supply in Senegal.
Furthermore, the electrification of rural areas and the social & economic development of these regions should be promoted. With eight power plants being located all over the country, seven remote cities with a population of up to 50,000 inhabitants each can now be supplied with greener energy 24/7. The project consists of one grid-connected 23MWp PV power plant (supplying among others the international airport of Senegal), four PV/Li-ion battery/diesel hybrid systems and three PV/diesel hybrid systems.

As part of ILF’s role as OE, ILF was responsible for the conceptual design, tendering, construction supervision and commissioning as well as for supervising the plants’ performance and the O&M Contractor during the first year. For further information, please contact us at


Seasonal greetings and best wishes for 2020!


Besides diverse challenges that we faced, the year 2018 that is drawing to a close also brought us many encouraging developments. All in all, a sense of great satisfaction and gratitude prevails regarding what we have achieved together.

Our sincere thanks go to our esteemed clients and business partners for their constructive cooperation.

Wishing you a peaceful holiday season and a healthy and prosperous 2019!


Meet us at the international STUVA conference 2019


ILF Consulting Engineers will be present at the STUVA conference (International Forum for Tunnels and Infrastructure) taking place in Frankfurt/Germany from 26 to 28 November 2019.

Visit our booth C147 in exhibition hall 5.1 (Messe Frankfurt am Main, Germany) to learn more about our competence and experience and talk to us about how we can provide you with comprehensive support in the field of tunnel planning and design.

We would also be pleased to welcome you to one of our lectures:

  • 26/11/2019 at 11:15: Bernhard Kohl will present the new report “Prevention and Mitigation of Road Tunnel Related Collisions” from the Safety Working Group of the World Road Association PIARC
  • 26/11/2019 at 12:00: Sebastian Höser will report on the “Major Project Stuttgart 21: Kriegsberg Bifurcation Structure in the Bad Cannstatt Tunnel – Strengthening the Outer Lining, Reinforcement Measures, Sustainable Outer Shell”
  • 27/11/2019 at 14:30: Hubert Heis, Momchil Venkov and Benjamin Riedl will report on “Tunnel Safety – A Review of Specific Differences in Guidelines and Codes of Practice Country-by-Country as well as Practical Scrutiny Based on a Comparison of Tunnel Lighting”
  • 27/11/2019 at 15:00: Harald Kammerer and Michael Barth will report on “Possibilities for the (Partial) Use of Road Tunnels Given Reduced Capacity: Structural, Operational and Organisational Measures – The RITUN Research Project ”

We are looking forward to your visit and many interesting discussions! For further information please go to the website


ILF at the ADIPEC 2019 Conference


ILF Consulting Engineers will be present at the “Abu Dhabi International Exhibition & Conference”. With 145,000 trade visitors and 2,200 exhibiting companies, ADIPEC is the biggest oil and gas exhibition in the world.

You are cordially invited to visit us in Hall 14 at booth 14248.


Challenges at the “Wolframstrasse” S-Bahn Tunnel – Stuttgart 21


In 2017, ILF Consulting Engineers was awarded a contract for the detailed design services of Section 1.5 – Permit Application Procedure (contract section 4 South), better known as “Wolframstrasse”, by a joint venture consisting of the companies Kunz, Leonhard Weiss and Kurt Motz. This challenging section is an integral part of the large-scale project “Stuttgart 21”. It is an approx. 450 m long rapid transit railway tunnel, predominantly constructed using the cut-and-cover method, which constitutes the S-Bahn link from the North to the central station.

It is worth mentioning that about 100 m are to be constructed in an existing tunnel while keeping the railway operational. Throughout the entire construction period, two of the four rail tracks will be kept in operation. Additional challenges arise from the location of the contract section in the immediate vicinity of the railway station, from avoiding interruptions of traffic in Wolframstrasse, from construction works carried out in existing structures and from the low overburden of a sewer main that crosses the tunnel. To date all challenges have been tackled and the design services are taking place in accordance with the specifications of the joint venture.

After the completion of the construction works at Stuttgart 21, the entire platform area, the track area and the existing tunnel will be removed to make room for a new city district.


ILF awarded mainline FEED & Detailed Engineering for KAPS


Keyera Corp. (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) recently awarded ILF Consulting Engineers the mainline FEED & Detailed Engineering contract for the estimated CAD 1.3 billion KAPS project.

KAPS is a natural gas liquids (NGL) and condensate pipeline system that will transport growing production from the Montney and Duvernay fields, in northwestern Alberta, to Fort Saskatchewan, north of Alberta’s capital city Edmonton. Keyera has partnered with SemCAMS Midstream ULC, owned jointly by SemGroup Corporation® and KKR, to develop this pipeline system.

Based on the current scope, KAPS will consist of a 16-inch condensate pipeline and a 12-inch NGL mix pipeline, associated pumping stations, including provisions for future expansion. The total mainline length per current scope is foreseen to be approximately 550 km. KAPS will initially be constructed from northwest of Grande Prairie and connect to Keyera’s Fort Saskatchewan Fractionation and Storage Facility (KFS).

For more information on Keyera and the KAPS project, please visit:


Participation at HOKO 2019 on November 6th


ILF will present itself at HOKO 2019 fair at the University of Applied Science in Munich and is looking forward to meet a lot of interesting and interested students as well as Young professionals personally. Our standnumber is A-33.

Furthermore we would like to inform you that we will give a lecture at 3 p.m. on the topic: „If petroleum gas, hydrogen, high voltage underground cables or photovoltaic-hybrid – how to plan the power supply of the future with ILF”.

See you there!

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