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This website is made available to provide general, indicative information about the companies of ILF and its products. The term website means all the contents displayed under the URL or a URL based on this (….).

Data Protection Instructions

When visiting this website, you may be asked to give personal information. Answering these questions is voluntary. Only if you voluntarily provide data and agree to them being recorded shall data be stored in accordance with these provisions.
The personal data provided by you shall solely be collected, processed and used to the extent required for individual customer care, sending of information or offers, improvement of our services and for market analysis. We ensure that your information shall be treated as confidential, in accordance with the applicable data protection provisions. We shall neither sell nor otherwise market or forward your personal data to third parties. The personal data stored as permitted by law may be shared with companies associated with ILF and upon granting separate permission also to regional distribution partners for the usage mentioned above.

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All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all trademarks, model plates, company logos and emblems are protected under trademark law for ILF Group Holding GmbH. Text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos and their arrangement on this website are protected by copyright. Therefore, it is not permitted to download, duplicate or distribute the website in whole or in part. The technically necessary duplication for the purposes of browsing and individual duplication for private use is permitted. Any other use of the contents of this website or symbols protected by trademark law for ILF Group Holding GmbH requires the prior written permission of ILF Group Holding GmbH.

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This website has been put together with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, ILF Group Holding GmbH does not accept any liability for the correctness and accuracy of the information provided. We reserve the right to make any changes. ILF Group Holding GmbH disclaims all liability for any loss or damage, through direct or indirect use or disuse of this website, barring damage by intent or gross negligence on the part of ILF Group Holding GmbH.
Where this website refers to Internet sites operated by third parties, ILF Group Holding GmbH accepts no responsibility for the contents of linked Internet sites and is not liable for any damage that may result from such contents. Any links are external links and are only provided to the visitor as a reference. We therefore do not review the content of such linked Internet sites. These links are subject to the liability of the respective providers.




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